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Privacy Portal

Cookies Policy

what are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data, stored in text files, stored on your computer or other device when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used for “to remember” you and your preferences, be for a single visit (through a “session cookie”) or for several repeat visits (using a”persistent cookie”). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for visitors and perform essential functions, how to allow users to register and stay connected. Cookies can be set by the website you are visiting (known as “primary cookies”) or by third parties, such as those who serve content or provide advertising or analytics services on the site (“third party cookies”).

HTML websites and emails may also contain other tracking technologies, What “Web beacons” Where “pixels”. Normally, are small transparent images that provide us with statistics, for similar purposes to cookies. Generally, they are used in conjunction with cookies, although they are not stored on your computer in the same way as cookies. As a result, if you disable cookies, web beacons can still be loaded, but its functionality will be restricted.

Flash Cookies, also known as local shared objects., are designed to support Adobe® Flash-compatible browser content. Generally, they are used to activate ads and video content on websites. Like other cookies, they store information on your device, some of which will be specific to Flash-enabled content. Cookies for Flash can only be deleted in Adobe Flash, and not in your browser. See the following help page for information on managing your privacy settings and deleting cookies for Flash: Click here

How we use cookies

We use cookies for different purposes.. Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons, some enable a personalized experience for visitors and registered users, and some allow advertising to be displayed on select third-party networks. Some of these cookies may be set when a page is loaded or a user uses a specific action on one of our Services. Several cookies we use will only be set if you are a registered user., while others will be defined whenever you visit or use one of our Services (regardless of having an account). For more information about the options you have about the cookies we use, see the section titled Controlling Cookies below..

where we place cookies

We set cookies in several different places on our services.. These locations can include:

  • Our Sites and Other Services;
  • Our mobile apps;
  • The emails we send.

Types of cookies

The points below describe the types of cookies we use on our Services and why we use them. We also provide explanations of their purposes..

  • strictly necessary. These cookies are essential for our Services to perform their basic functions. This includes the cookies necessary to allow registered users to authenticate themselves and perform account-related functions., in addition to saving the content of “carts” virtual for e-commerce functionality.
  • Analysis and performance. Performance cookies collect information about how users interact with our Services, including which pages are most visited, in addition to other analytical data. We use these details to improve the functioning of our Services and to understand how users interact with our Services..
  • Functionality. These cookies are used to store user-defined preferences such as account name, language and location.
  • Safety. We use these cookies to help identify and prevent potential security risks.
  • Advertising. These cookies are used to deliver relevant advertising to users who use our Services., as well as to understand and report the effectiveness of advertisements served on our Services. They track details like the number of unique visitors, the number of times certain ads were displayed and the number of clicks the ads received. They are also used to create user profiles., including displaying advertisements based on products or services you have viewed or actions taken on our (and others) sites and services. They are defined by us and trusted third-party networks and, generally, are of a persistent nature.
  • Third-party/embedded content. The Services hosted by us utilize different third party applications and services to enhance the experience of visitors to the Service. This includes social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter (through the use of share buttons). As a result, cookies may be set by these third parties and used to track your online activity. We do not have direct control over the information collected by these cookies.

Cookies you find on our website

Our website uses strictly necessary cookies and performance and analysis websites. Below we list them with and their respective classifications.:

  • _ga | | Performance
  • _gid | | Performance
  • _ga | | Performance
  • PHPSESSID | | strictly necessary
  • _gat_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | Performance

Controlling cookies

You can restrict the use of cookies or completely prevent them from being set. Most modern browsers allow you to change cookie settings. Generally, you can find these settings in your browser's options or preferences menu..

If you disable cookies, Please be aware that some of the features of our Services may not work correctly..

on a mobile device, you can also adjust your settings to limit ad tracking.

You can disable Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics Disable Browser Add-on.

trace signals

Generally, we do not respond or take any action regarding the signals of “do not track” web browser or other mechanisms that allow consumers to exercise a choice regarding the collection of personal information about an individual's online activities over time and on third-party websites or online services. Nonetheless, in some cases, our third-party service providers that integrate with our Services respect the Do Not Track signs.

You can disable them by changing your browser settings, but be aware that this can affect the functioning of the site..

Consent to post cookies on our websites

You can see a “cookies banner” on our websites. If you are visiting our website, We will not set or allow our ad partners to set cookies used to show targeted ads before you click accept. when you agree to it, we and our advertising partners may set advertising cookies on the website or other Service you are visiting and on other websites, panels and services. We will display the banner periodically, in case you change your mind.

Final recommendations

It is important that Internet Users check the Terms of Use of Cookies of all websites where they eventually browse, always seeking information on the ways in which they will collect and process your information.

We use cookies to improve your browsing experience on the portal. For more information about what types of cookies you can find on this site, go to "Cookie Settings". By clicking on "Accept all cookies", do you accept the use of cookies from this site
Cookie Settings